August and Skyla are really enjoying meeting new kids and making friends at school. August and her sweet friend Glady are in the same class and inseparable . Here they are walking back to class.
It was a Nutcracker Thanksgiving again this year. In fact, I think there will be a lot of Nutcracker in our future. Skyla was a soldier this year and danced in the battle scene with the rats. Here are a few photos from back stage and after the show.
This year we all made snow globes, the girls made bracelets, I made flower headbands, and Les sold two chalk boards he made. The kids got to run free up and down the street all day surrounded by music, art, friends and neighbors. It was a good day!
We have been talking about adopting a dog lately and were hoping to make it happen for Christmas this year. However, on Sunday I met this little cutie and she is now happily assuming her role as the new baby in our house. Les and I never thought we would go for a small dog but I do love it when she curls up on my lap! She is about 6 months old and we adopted her from a rescue league. It has been six and half years since our beloved 'Blue' died. It feels like the right time to fall in love with a dog again.
Sarah recently organized a tour of the fire station and museum. Jude loved it although he chose not to sit in the driver's seat of the fire truck. I asked him why later and he said, "Because I don't know those fire fighters."