Sunday, November 8, 2009

Neighborhood Art Show

I wasn't able to take many pictures but here are a few from Saturday's neighborhood art show. Sarah and I set up a table and so did the kids. The kids almost sold out! They had so many kind customers who treated them with such respect. They loved it! Lester joined the show this time with his awesome chalkboards made from recycled vintage windows. I think they are wonderful and would love to hang more in our house. You can't have too many chalkboards in your house right?

Les and I were exhausted by the end of the day but are so thankful for the experience these art shows are giving our children. We love the fact that they are involved in an event that shows our community and neighbors working together to achieve a common goal. We love that they are surrounded by so many wonderful people who do so much to support one another.


kclblogs said...

art 2 heart! (hint)

Aunt Brooke said...

Way to go Lester! Lets go into business