Saturday was my grandmother's 90th birthday and Sunday was Jude's 1st! We had a great weekend celebrating. Skyla has always been shy around GG but this visit they have become quite close. GG, I think it is your pink lipstick and your jewelry that really drew her in this time. :) I am so grateful for the time we have had the past few days. My grandmother is truly an amazing woman.
As for our little man... well I do love to ramble on about how much I love him. I will just say this, he makes my heart happy.
Here is a little bit about Jude at age one:
He has awesome hair that sticks up all crazy with a big cowlick in the front.
He starts "dancing" when ever he hears music
He loves dogs even though he breaks out in hives if they lick his feet
He is constantly being touched, kissed, hugged/strangled by his sisters
He has really big teeth
I love it when he points at things and seems excited about what he sees
I pray he outgrows his food allergies and sensitive skin
He picks up my cell phone and says hi
I think his favorite food is cantaloupe
He loves to go for walks reclined all the way back in his stroller
He generally just seems happy to be here

1 comment:
happy birthday, sweet little jude!
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