Friday, October 23, 2009

It finally happened...

Two months into our home school year and I thought maybe I really can do this. We had such a harmonious morning of learning. ALL three of my little ones were content and happy while learning and having fun. (For a more extended amount of time than usual) Jude scooted around the room and got in to his current favorite things: the cup full of pencils, the abacus and putting various surprises into Skyla's backpack for her to find when she goes to class on Thursday.

I photocopied the pages that Skyla was supposed to work on so that August could work along with her. They colored different pictures of animals and will cut them out and glue them in boxes designated for daytime or nighttime animals. It was nice to have a project they could both work on.

I have noticed this week that Skyla is catching on to different math concepts that we have been working on. I've realized I need to be more patient and let her truly understand the concepts.

We even had time for watercolor painting this afternoon. I know next week will bring more days when Jude wants to be held or nursed or August is hungry at the same time I'm trying to concentrate with Skyla. I'm definitely not saying we have this figured out or we are all 100% loving it. But today... we did it!

1 comment:

Aunt Brooke said...

It takes me a while with the math too Skyla. I have math now on Tuesdays and Thursdays!