Get up early and have pancakes.
Go to the book store and Target with Christmas money.
Lunch at Willy's and dinner at Jason's Deli
Open my presents
Stay up late and play
Things didn't turn out exactly. We settled on lunch at the deli and dinner at home. Also, she didn't need much convincing that the book store shop -a -thon was all our family could handle in one day. It was raining and cold and Jude and August were sick. The entire family was cranky because we were all up in the middle of the night before. But...we tried to make it special and fun and she seemed happy. In fact she ended up on her daddy's lap watching football after August and Jude were in bed. Daddy all to yourself...well that is a present in itself.
She loved her presents all mostly involving books, sewing, and her new interest in hand embroidery. I must add one thing. She really wanted a barbie doll. She doesn't have any and she asked for one for Christmas. When she didn't get one she said, " I guess Santa knows my mama doesn't really like barbies." So, I thought this over a lot because I don't want her feel bad about liking things I don't. I just couldn't buy a barbie. She is SO impressionable right now and barbie just isn't the girl I need her comparing her self to. I did give her what I thought was barbie ish in a pixie doll. I bought it when she was a toddler and still had in my "stash". I knew she had a lot of the barbie allure with the little shoes, brush and clothes. This doll doesn't seem as sexualized as barbie. She was VERY excited when she opened her and it was nice to see her reaction. Later, she was undressing her and she said, "Oh, she has breasts like Barbie, but they aren't as big."