Friday, January 8, 2010


Another interview with the girls. Again, I had to ask them the questions separately because I was afraid all of August's answers would be the same as Skyla's. They love doing this.

1- If you could do anything you want today what would it be?
S: It would be going to the library.
A: Christmas, I mean Easter actually.

2- Name one thing you love about daddy.
S: Everything
A: When he comes home

3- What would you like for lunch if you could have anything you want?
S: Pancakes
A: I always like those muffins at the deli and peanut butter and jelly and fruit

4- What makes you laugh?
S: When somebody says potty talk.
A: When Jude puts his hands in my mouth and stuff.

5- Name one thing you love about Jude.
S: He is so sweet.
A: I love when he hugs me and tickles me.

6- What do you like about having a sister?
S: She plays with me.
A: When she takes good care of me and she is my best friend.

1 comment:

Aunt Brooke said...

What better thing to have is a sister and a best friend.