Tuesday, July 5, 2011


We celebrated August's six birthday at Val and Gene's lake house. The kids loved swimming, going on boat rides and playing in the rock garden. It was a great time! I would love to post pictures but I forgot my camera.
Thoughts on August at age six:
1- Her eyes sparkle and her smile is contagious
2- She is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks
3- She still calls adults, da-dults
4- She and Jude love to wrestle
5- She changes her opinion to match her sister constantly
6- She is almost reading
7- She loves rainbows and things that shimmer
8- She is very affectionate
9- She currently wants to be a mama, vet, nurse, singer, ballerina, and doctor when she grows up
10-She loves to play dolls with her sister
11- She loves to hear stories about when she was a baby
12- She could have a good time just about anywhere

1 comment:

Zahara said...

August is really growing up. She is still my favorate one to tell stories to that are only based on truth. grandpa