Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Date With Skyla

This is from a week ago. I'm still having "technical" issues with my camera/computer.

I was feeling the need to spend some one on one time with Skyla last weekend. She chose to go for a hike together. We didn't see any deer this time but were still happy to come across a lizard, a snail, a beautiful butterfly and even our friends from our neighborhood. We ate our popcorn by the creek and played in the water for a while. We were still in the creek when it started to rain. It then quickly started to pour and we hiked back out while getting soaking wet. We laughed the whole way back to the car. I love my dear Skyla and I know as the oldest she has a lot of responsibility. I think we often expect more from the oldest than what is really fair to them. She is still only six after all. I really treasure solo dates and I hope to keep them going with all the kids.


Anonymous said...

The picture of Skyla in the rain is adorable. It shows her beauty, sweetness, silliness and all of the other wonderful things I love about her. I can hear her cute little voice when I look at this picture.
-Uncle Tim

kclblogs said...

Sounds like fun!

I struggle with the too-much-responsibility thing too. Like Skyla, Mali has a natural nurturing spirit, so she really enjoys helping. Sometimes that makes it even harder to recognize when enough is enough and I am asking too much of her.